Friday, August 5, 2011

Cross-stitched blanket

I love the (expensive) blankets from Swans Island. The blankets are wool but are designed for summer. They're light, thin and much cooler in our (un-air conditioned) bedrooms than the thin quilts or flannel sheets we used to use as bed coverings in the summer. Both kids have one; I just wish we adults did!

I love the simplicity of the blankets but I esp. like that plainness when contrasted with something fancy. So I cross-stitched a monogram on my daughter's blanket:

The design is from one of the Rouge du Rhin books I got from The French Needle. I did the cross stitching with a couple strands of DMC floss over two threads. It was easier in some ways than stitching on linen because the space between the threads is bigger but more difficult in that the wool sticks together. But it turned out fine.

I did this one in 2010 but *still* haven't done one for my son. . . .

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